Become a Shift Practitioner


Maria Raines created Shift Practitioners to amplify the impact of experienced, purpose driven, leadership consultants, facilitators and coaches and to ignite a movement to shift leadership.

We are a network of aligned peer practitioners who support each other’s work and commitment to developing inclusive, holistic and inspirational leaders. We operate with the following assumptions:

  • there is an abundance of need for transformational leadership development in our communities and organisations

  • cooperation and reciprocity will take us further than competition

  • in this moment in time, we have a rare opportunity to shape the new normal - the future we create will depend on our leaders

Members of the Shift Practitioner directory enjoy:

  • promotion of their services, programs and events via our website, social media and networks

  • belonging to a peer network who gather online bi-monthly (every other month) to share opportunities, resources and insights and who support each others work

  • marketing advice, strategies and tools

To be invited to join this carefully curated directory, you are required to:

  • demonstrate a commitment to developing inclusive, holistic and inspirational leaders

  • provide evidence of relevant qualifications and professional testimonials that support your capability as a transformational leadership consultant, coach and/or facilitator

  • share our assumptions above and our vision of a world where our leaders are as diverse as the communities they serve and are equipped to:

    • show up with courage, humility and compassion

    • inspire trust, enthusiasm and commitment

    • deliver consistent, effective and sustainable outcomes

“They were nothing more than people, by themselves. Even paired, any pairing, they would have been nothing more than people by themselves. But all together, they have become the heart and muscles and mind of something perilous and new, something strange and growing and great. Together, all together, they are the instruments of change.”

Keri Hulme, The Bone People