Who are our inpirational leaders?


It's been just over a week since we experienced Sacred Leadership and listened to Tjanara Goreng Goreng's presentation at The Art Gallery NSW. A provocative question posed by Tjanara has stayed with me: Who are the inspirational leaders in Australia?

Tjanara explained that a 'Sacred Leader' is one we look up to and revere, they inspire transformation, people like Mother Theresa and Nelson Mandela. While they are human and have human flaws they are also extraordinary. It's important we identify Sacred Leaders in our lives so we can aspire to develop the qualities they embody.

Tjanara herself recognised the Elders in her culture had these qualities and so she knew where to turn. But as I look around in my life, at those recognised as leaders in the dominant Australian culture, our politicians, institutional leaders and CEOs, I struggle to feel inspired.

While I have chosen Australia to be my home for over 20 years, I was born in New Zealand. And so it is that I turn to my country of origin, Aotearoa, to find inspiration. I remember the pride in knowing we were the first country in the world to grant women the vote. I remember the spine-tingling call of the Kuia (Maori Elder) as she acknowledged the living and the dead while welcoming me onto the marae. I remember Prime Minister David Lange standing up to the all-powerful Americans, denying their nuclear ships access to our ports as we declared ourselves nuclear-free. And I look now to Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, one of the youngest leaders in the world, and her husband transforming our pre-conceived ideas of gender roles and leadership.

Will my children, born and raised in Australia, look back one day and feel that same sense of connection to and pride in this country? Do you? 

Who are the inspirational leaders in Australia?

If you missed Sacred Leadership last week, you will find information and resources on Talkpoint's Sacred Leadership Web Page.

And if you are interested in developing your inspirational leadership qualities and/or Sacred Leadership practices within your organisation, I encourage you to reach out directly to Dr Tjanara Goreng Goreng or request an introduction.

Maria Raines