Now is the time to listen


Last night I attended the Covid Democracy Series Webinar: Indigenous Democracy Now with Dr Tjanara Goreng Goreng and Former Member for Northcote, Lidia Thorpe.

Tjanara introduced us to Indigenous leadership and democratic philosophy and we reflected on how this can inform our life and work in this moment. Lidia talked about the Sovereign Hubs program and shared stories from her journey from disengaged student to politician and activist.

The conversation was both sobering and uplifting and, refreshingly, I left with a clear sense of three things we can do to make a difference. They are:

VOTE: Tjanara taught us that one of the philosophies that governed traditional Indigenous life was consistency. It was expected that you do what you say, say what you think and think what you believe. The norm in Western culture of saying one thing and doing another is deeply unnerving to Indiginous people. In truth I think we all find it unnerving. It’s why we don’t trust our government, it's why many of us are hesitant to download the COVIDSafe App. There’s an urgent need to demand consistency from our leaders and it starts with aligning our own actions and values.

If climate action, gender equity and Indigenous rights are important to you, vote, without exception, for the people and parties that have demonstrated their commitment to these causes.

EMPOWER: Lidia acknowledged both her traditional elders and the non-Indiginous mentors that helped her along the way. She reminded us that Indiginous people are often reluctant to put themselves forward, historically it hasn’t been safe for them to do so, and urged us to take the initiative.

Seek out Indigenous talent, in your schools, workplaces and communities, and use your privilege to provide them with opportunities, support and encouragement.

LISTEN: Both Tjanara and Lidia agreed that the key to moving forward is to reveal the true, brutal history of colonisation in Australia. Wherever possible, we must provide space for Indiginous people to share their stories, and we must listen. Tjanara concluded by reading Miriam-Rose Ungunmerr’s gift to the nation, Dadirri. It is both a gift and an invitation, an excerpt of which is captured in the stunning, short video below.

Now is the time to listen:


Shift Practitioners is priviledged to include Dr Tjanara Goreng Goreng in our directory of practitioners. Tjanara is available as a leadership mentor, educator and consultant.

Maria Raines