Three qualities of inspirational leadership


Back in June 2018 I had the privilege of supporting leadership expert Dr. Tjanara Goreng Goreng to generously share insights from her PhD research on Sacred Leadership. During her presentation to Sydney's business community, she asked: “Who are the inspirational leaders in Australia?” At that time, as I looked to those recognised as leaders in the dominant Australian culture, I couldn’t name any

Well, I have a name now, Shane Fitzsimmons. Sadly it took a national emergency to bring him to my attention. Like many of you, I watched daily as the Commissioner of the NSW Rural Fire Service took to the podium to update and guide us throughout the bushfire crisis. I was in awe of his extraordinary leadership capability. He consistently conveyed calm confidence in the face of a horrendous situation. As he spoke, clearly and compassionately, I knew this was a person I could trust. 

There are many qualities that set Shane Fitzsimmons apart from other “leaders” in our news streams. Here are three I think we can all cultivate, and in doing so, lead our communities, businesses and families towards a brighter future.

  • EMPATHY: He visibly showed his distress at the tragic loss of life. He not only demonstrated his humanity he demonstrated his strength. Our loss was his loss, he was with us every step of the way and we were with him.

  • HONESTY: He gave us the facts, calmly and clearly. He told us exactly what the firefighters on the ground could and couldn’t do to help us under the given circumstances. It wasn’t often good news, but we knew where we stood, we knew what we needed to do, and we trusted every word he said.

  • HUMILITY: He understood his leadership wasn't about him, it was an act of service to others. He wasn’t trying to raise his profile or gain our approval. He gave credit where credit was due and sought none for himself. In doing so, he gained the love and respect of us all.

So how do we develop these and other inspirational leadership qualities? In my experience, it helps to be guided by a skilled facilitator or coach, the best of which can be found right here in our practitioners directory. If you would like a personal introduction or recommendation, complete the request form below.

Maria Raines