Shift Practitioners work with individuals and teams to develop the leadership capabilities required to meet the challenges of our times.


Shift Practitioners is a carefully curated directory of skilled leadership development coaches, facilitators and educators with proven experience building transformational leadership capability in individuals and teams.

In this moment in time, we have a rare opportunity to shape the new normal. The future we create will be defined by our leaders.

The world is facing unprecedented challenges: climate change, fake news, increasing polarity and inequity, and a global pandemic to name a few. Overcoming these challenges will require effective leadership and an inspiring vision.

Our purpose is to shift leadership globally by developing inclusive, holistic and inspirational leaders locally.

Our mission is to connect experienced leadership practitioners with exisiting and aspiring team leaders, managers, business owners and organisations ready to develop their inclusive, holistic and inspirational leadership capability and workplace culture.

Our vision is of a world where our leaders are as diverse as the communities they serve and are equipped to:

  • show up with courage, humility and compassion

  • inspire trust, commitment and enthusiasm

  • deliver consistent, effective and sustainable outcomes


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